Year: 2020
Goal:Concept: In our society it is very easy to access the Internet and not only access but also upload information, due to the easy access there are unreachable numbers of what we know as "Fake News". Now that we are in the pandemic, social media took control of our lives and endless Fake News came out that filled us with panic and terror.
Description: In the picture you can see in the background a spiral representing chaos and confusion. In the center is an abtraction of three different bulls (a dead bull in the middle, a tousled bull on the right and lastly on the left a "normal" bull). These bulls are reading the newspaper and everything is painted in an abstract way, since the Fake News is not clear and leaves you with a blurred vision of society. Finally, there is a sign that says "ONE WAY" which refers to the vision that the Fake News leaves you, which is closed and from a single perspective.
Dimensions: 125X80cm