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I‘m not a Bird



Year: 2020

Goal:We live in a society full of rules and norms that must be followed no matter that they come to cut off our wings and our freedom. However, following the rules is necessary for the common good. So we humans find ourselves in a dilemma: am I free or am I a slave to the system to maintain order? After much reflection I got to the point where I decided, that I am not a bird but I am a human who can reflect and question some rules and even break some of these rules to come to even better results that the rules impose. Winston Churchill, Malala Yousafzai, Steve Jobs and Abraham Lincoln broke schemes and changed the world. Occasionally one has to have the guts to break the rules and dare to raise our voices, give that blind leap in which no one believes in order to draw ever closer to paradise (the golden valley) where there is equity, love, solidarity as a priority.

Dimensions: 8X120cm

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